NEW YORK—July 12, 2016Morgan Jamess new release, Lucas Lightfoot and the Fire Crystal by Hugo Haselhuhn, tells the story of Lucas, a special boy whose life changes forever when he crosses paths with a chameleon.

Lucas Lightfoot is ju9781630477837st like every other boy; however, he longs to be just like the hero’s in his storybooks. Lucas’ life changes forever when he meets a chameleon Prescott. With his help and a powerful secret, Lucas begins to develop amazing powers. While, Lucas thinks that he could use his powers to help others, he quickly realizes that if they were to fall into the wrong hands, things would go very bad.  In order to keep everyone safe, Lucas must learn to control his new found gifts. With his fascinating characters and intense storyline, Haselhuhn transports readers to a world full of fantasy and adventure.

Lucas Lightfoot and the Fire Crystal will captivate young readers with magical powers; however, they won’t fail to recognize that the goodness in Lucas’s heart is the true source of his power. In order to help others, Lucas realizes that he must face his fears and, in doing so, accidentally becomes the unexpected hero of his own story. Hugo describes how inner strength and believing in one’s self can make all the difference. These elements will open the door for interesting and deep discussions between readers and parents (or teachers).

Lucas Lightfoot and the Fire Crystal is an extremely entertaining book, full of excitement and adventure for young readers. However, it also teaches important lessons about standing up for oneself. It will help children identify bullying as well as insights into what creates a bully and how to deal with one. With its inspirational morals, Lucas Lightfoot brings out the hero in every young reader.

If you would like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Hugo Haselhuhn, please call Nickcole Watkins at 516.900.5674.

About the Author:

Hugo Haselhuhn is an accomplished writer and avid reader. He wrote Lucas Lightfoot at the request of his eight year old grandson. Hugo is a father to five and grandfather to thirteen, all of whom have influenced his writing in their own way. He and his wife enjoy traveling and learning about different cultures. They currently reside in San Luis Obispo County

More About This Title:

Lucas Lightfoot and the Fire Crystal by Hugo Haselhuhn will be released by Morgan James Publishing on July 12, 2016. Lucas LightfootsISBN 978-1630477837 has 180 pages and is being sold as a trade paperback for $12.95.

About Morgan James Publishing: Morgan James Publishing ( provides entrepreneurs with the vital information, inspiration, and guidance they need to be successful. Morgan James Publishing, The Entrepreneurial Publisher, has been recognized by Publishers Weekly for three years on their fast growing press list and is reported as being the future of publishing.

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