Morgan James Publishing is excited to announce these Hot New Releases for this week!
Each of these are available at your favorite bookseller or online starting this week.

Contributor:McGovern, Meg Keeshan (Author)
Annotation: We’re Good is an inspiring story about a well-rounded teenage athlete whose life changed forever when he innocently dove into a sandbar and was instantly paralyzed.

Contributor: Spicer, CFP, Steph (Author)
Annotation: Stop Investing Like They Tell You is a practical guide to overcoming the potentially ruinous flaws in an investment portfolio.

Contributor: Brandmeier, Jimmy (Author)
Annotation: Based on the song of the same name written by a dad who loves his teenage daughters, Be Who You Are: A Song for My Children is a practical course in authenticity for young people struggling to define themselves and adults of all ages seeking to resurrect buried passions and live what they love.

Contributors: Lehman, Elmer & Eileen (Authors)
Annotation: One Step at a Time shows readers how God has a way of throwing responsibilities at people that are far too big for them, but never too big for him.

Contributor: Baucom, Ph.D., Lee H (Author)
Annotation: The Forgive Process reveals a simple process to forgive the hurts and pains that hold people back.