NEW YORKSeptember 19, 2017Morgan James’ new health book release, Beyond Powerful: Your Chronic Illness is Not Your Kryptonite by Lala Jackson, provides encouragement for readers who struggle with chronic illnesses. It was written to help people, especially women, who are suffering from an illness to overcome it and achieve their goals.

Living with type 1 diabetes, Lala Jackson understands how a chronic illness can discourage people from chasing after their goals. Many of these people feel that their health conditions hinder them, and lose hope of ever truly reaching their dreams. In Beyond Powerful, however, Jackson explains that chronic illnesses do not have to hold people back, but can actually empower them to accomplish whatever they want to do.

In Beyond Powerful, Jackson tells readers how she not only overcame her personal struggle with diabetes, but actually became an “overachiever”. She also tells inspirational stories of others who have overcome their chronic diseases to achieve incredible things. Jackson focuses on changing people’s perspective regarding their chronic illness. She believes that living with these illnesses does not make people weaker, but can actually give them the “super powers” that they need to achieve anything they set out to accomplish, and she tells them just how to unlock the powers that they have within them.



If you would like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Lala Jackson, please call Nickcole Watkins at 516.900.5674.


About the Author:

Lala Jackson has had type 1 diabetes since she was just 10 years old, yet she is also an overachiever that does not let this illness control her life. Living with an insulin pump and glucose monitor at all times, Lala understands that people who suffer from chronic illnesses can often feel like their disease is holding them back from their true potential. However, Lala has overcome this illness to become a very accomplished speaker and writer, and has a strong desire to help others who are suffering through the same issues.


Lala grew up between Hawaii and Washington State, and has a communications degree from the University of Miami. She now lives in Brooklyn, New York, and works for a non-profit organization with a mission to cure type 1 diabetes. Despite her chronic illness, Lala loves traveling and going on adventures whenever she is not speaking or writing.


More About This Title:


Beyond Powerful: Your Chronic Illness is Not Your Kryptonite by Lala Jackson will be released by Morgan James Publishing on September 19, 2017. Beyond Powerful ISBN 978-1683503811has 130 pages and is being sold as a trade paperback for $14.95


About Morgan James Publishing:
Morgan James publishes trade quality titles designed to educate, encourage, inspire, or entertain readers with current, consistent, relevant topics that are available everywhere books are sold. (


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