About Morgan James Publishing

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So far Morgan James Publishing has created 1457 blog entries.

A Reminder to Christians of God’s Gracious Gift: Fear in Him

NEW YORK—Feb. 22, 2022—Morgan James’ new release, Fearing God: How the Fear of God and Our Love for God Create a Trust in God, by Nathan Carlson, details how one’s relationship with God can open them up to endless possibilities and blessings.

A guide that teaches that the fear of the Lord is God’s gracious gift, Fearing God creates wonder on why people are so afraid of fearing God. Fearing God inspires and equips pastors and lay leaders to teach on this subject, as the core biblical truths discussed are not often taught in the church today. 

Fearing God shows that the fear of the Lord is the inevitable outcome of comprehending God’s overwhelming and inexplicable mercy and love for people, and reminds Christians of God’s blessing, provision, and protection. 

If you would like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Nathan Carlson, please contact Authorsupport@morganjamespublishing.com

About the Author: Nathan Carlson is the President of IndiaTransformed.org, a nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing the good news of Jesus Christ to the people of India and particularly to that nation’s poor. This organization has provided funding for the training of over 1,500 pastors, Christian daycare for thousands of children, skills training for 2,000 indigent women, and a Christian school and college in Bangalore, India for 1,600 students. Nathan is also a mentor to many Colorado business owners and a regular contributor of written devotionals for this group of CEOs. He is the former president of Retirement Planning Services, Inc. and its sister company, 24HourFlex, firms that specialize in the consulting and administration of corporate, nonprofit, and governmental retirement and employee benefit plans in the Rocky Mountain region. Nathan is a diligent student of the Word of God. Fearing God is a culmination of forty years of notes, articles, and personal studies, and Nathan has often been asked to speak and teach on this topic. He is happily married to Jenny, his wife of thirty-eight years. They are parents to four wonderful adult children and grandparents to thirteen delightful grandchildren and all reside in beautiful Colorado. Nathan and Jenny enjoy skiing, tennis, projects in their woodshop, playing their musical instruments and singing, and spending time with family, grandkids, and friends. Nathan earned a Masters in Business Administration from the University of Denver and Bachelors in Music Education from Oral Roberts University. Nathan can be contacted at nathan@fearofthelord.net. Visit the Fearing God’s website at www.fearofthelord.net for Nathan’s blog and other helpful resources.

More About This Title: Fearing God: How the Fear of God and Our Love for God Create a Trust in God, by Nathan Carlson, will be released by Morgan James Publishing on February 22, 2022. Fearing God —9781631956195 —has 228 pages and is being sold as a trade paperback for $19.99.

About Morgan James Publishing: Morgan James publishes trade quality titles designed to educate, encourage, inspire, or entertain readers with current, consistent, relevant topics that are available everywhere books are sold. 

( www.MorganJamesPublishing.com )

A Reminder to Christians of God’s Gracious Gift: Fear in Him2022-02-21T15:33:38-05:00

Author To Influencer Success Story: Dawn Fleming, author of Claim Your Dream Life

Dawn Fleming joined the Author to Influencer Accelerator after attending an Ask Me Anything session with Marika Flatt, hosted by Morgan James Publishing. Dawn is the owner and operator of Overseas Life Redesign, a global coaching and consulting company that encourages others to discover their dreams and turn them into reality just like she did. Dawn began her career in real estate before graduating from Western State University College of Law and specializing in international business transactions as a licensed California attorney. She finally found her calling for two decades as a mentor to thousands of entrepreneurs, coaching them through the growth of their home-based businesses.

Claim Your Dream Life: How to Retire in Paradise on a Shoestring Budget walks you through every step of an international move, from choosing your location to budgeting for success. Published by Morgan James Publishing, Claim Your Dream Life comes out March 29, 2022.


As a member benefit of www.AuthortoInfluencer.com, Dawn bought 10 hours and specifically requested a press kit, media lists, editorial help on an email interview request, and advice on suggested interview questions, how to format the book’s website, and top/wish list media to aim for.

  • We created a standard press kit which included a condensed author biography, book descriptive copy, several talking points, timely tie-ins from October-May, digital presence links, and contact information.
  • We prepared media lists of personal finance, retirement, business, and inspiration writers/hosts across newspapers, magazines, radio shows, and podcasts.
  • We kept in close contact with Dawn via email and phone to discuss suggested interview questions and the email interview.
  • We researched comparative titles and websites to provide format suggestions.
  • We researched the topic and brainstormed top but attainable media for Gen X and Baby Boomer audiences.


The main goal of this project was to prepare Dawn to present herself to the media. As a member of the Author to Influencer Accelerator program, Dawn is learning to build up her own platforms, write and send her own pitches, and secure her own publicity. 

The Author to Influencer Accelerator allows members to continue to be self-sufficient in their book publishing quest. Whether they are authors or small publishers, members receive resources and guidance as they curate their own publicity campaigns and reap the benefits of creating their own success. The hours we spent researching and drafting copy allowed Dawn to better organize her materials and perfect her digital presence. Our back end work gave her an edge so she could really stand out when pitching to pre-publication media.

Now, she has signed up for 10 hours per month for the 3 months leading up to her March pub date. We will spend that time pitching specific areas of media. 

Created by an Entrepreneurial Author for Entrepreneurial Authors, Morgan James became the first hybrid publisher to blend the strength, credibility, and distribution of traditional publishing with the flexibility, author involvement, and time to market of self-publishing. Their vision is to publish titles that educate, encourage, inspire, and entertain with current, consistent, relevant, titles available everywhere books are sold. This approach harnesses the immense power of publishing a book and empowers entrepreneurial authors like Dawn to create a quality product and build their own success, much like the Author to Influencer Accelerator.

Author To Influencer Success Story: Dawn Fleming, author of Claim Your Dream Life2022-02-16T11:23:36-05:00

The Cycle of Relationship Abuse Ends and Freedom Begins Now

NEW YORK—Feb. 15, 2022—Morgan James’ new release, Shattered Lives: Why Women Stay, by Malia B. Crandall, is the story of a young girl who has lived a lifetime of abuse, then sees a ray of light in which she can finally find her way out.

A guide that gives women the information and encouragement needed to free themselves of unhealthy relationships and find healthy ones, Shattered Lives helps women understand the cycle of abuse and why women keep going back to their abusers. Shattered Lives teaches people that abuse cannot be tolerated under any circumstances and opens up new avenues for those trying to escape an abusive relationship.

By discussing a problem that is often left in the dark, Shattered Lives teaches women how to set boundaries and regain their dignity. Overall, Shattered Lives helps women realize abuse is not normal or acceptable, and provides hope in a world that desperately needs it. 

If you would like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Malia B. Crandall, please contact Authorsupport@morganjamespublishing.com

About the Author: Malia B. Crandall faced one significant trauma after another from the time she was born. She first experienced physical and emotional abuse from her mother and grandmother; before she even entered school, she suffered ongoing sexual abuse that taught her to choose the wrong kind of men in her life and resulted in a long-term marriage marred by unrelenting abuse. After one of her children died, Malia was finally able to go to therapy and work on the ghosts from her past. She now resides in Salt Lake City with her current husband of more than a decade and is living her happily ever after.

More About This Title: Shattered Lives: Why Women Stay, by Malia B. Crandall, will be released by Morgan James Publishing on February 15, 2022. Shattered Lives  —9781631956256 —has 196 pages and is being sold as a trade paperback for $16.95.

About Morgan James Publishing: Morgan James publishes trade quality titles designed to educate, encourage, inspire, or entertain readers with current, consistent, relevant topics that are available everywhere books are sold. 

( www.MorganJamesPublishing.com )

The Cycle of Relationship Abuse Ends and Freedom Begins Now2022-02-15T01:04:18-05:00

Dystopian Sci-Fi Novel Captivates with Original Overpopulation Concept

NEW YORK—Feb. 15, 2022—Morgan James’ new release, MAXIMUM CAPACITY: A Novel, by Troy Suesse, is a daring adventure set in a fascinating dystopian world where for every baby born – another human must die, the good hunt the bad, and a monumental struggle to survive on a dying planet Earth intensifies.

 Dazzle your imagination with the terrifying reality that Earth’s depleted resources cannot sustain further population growth. Massive overcrowding and starvation have compelled a mysterious ruling body to conduct fight-to-the-death competitions to eliminate society’s worst offenders. Events take place before a live, interactive audience. At the same time, to avoid extinction, mankind desperately searches for new, habitable planets.

 MAXIMUM CAPACITY combines two parallel themes: the allure of a dystopian Earth-based action thriller, and the fascination of deep space travel and discovery. A truly unique storyline delivers original concepts and clever twists, designed to captivate sci-fi and action-adventure enthusiasts. This gripping novel ushers in an exciting new wave of dystopian intrigue.

If you would like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with the author, please contact Troy Suesse at: 2suesses@gmail.com / 443-889-3463.

About the Author: Troy Suesse is a professional employee with 35 years of federal service in the Intelligence Community. Raised near the robust watershed of the Chesapeake Bay, he developed a fond appreciation for the planet and the majestic beauty of all living things. It’s humbling to know that planet Earth is but a speck of dust in the grand scheme of celestial bodies. Inspired by science, nature, and outer space, Troy hopes readers will enjoy immersing themselves in an incredible dystopian world as a troubling scenario plays out, and at the same time garner a greater appreciation for Earth’s precious resources. He invites them to share in his fascination that there simply must be another planet Earth in outer space able to sustain us. A place capable of perpetuating the existence of man. Join Troy’s quest to find it.

More About This Title: MAXIMUM CAPACITY: A Novel, by Troy Suesse, will be released by Morgan James Publishing on February 15, 2022. MAXIMUM CAPACITY — 9781631956423 — has 284 pages and is being sold as a trade paperback for $18.95.

About Morgan James Publishing: Morgan James publishes trade quality titles designed to educate, encourage, inspire, or entertain readers with current, consistent, relevant topics that are available everywhere books are sold. 

( www.MorganJamesPublishing.com )

Dystopian Sci-Fi Novel Captivates with Original Overpopulation Concept2022-02-15T01:10:57-05:00

A Modern Definition of Biblical Language and Culture

NEW YORK—Feb. 15, 2022—Morgan James’ new release, Deeply Defined: Understanding Who You Are in Christ, by Janey Pitts, is an entertaining and in-depth Bible study that uses biblical culture and original languages to explain “church words” used by Christians. 

Featuring themes of grace, mercy, peace, joy, hope, and wisdom,  Deeply Defined makes learning deep concepts easy and entertaining for the average Christian.  Deeply Defined is a guide that takes intimidation out of studying the Bible, and encourages women to be defined by Christ as opposed to their insecurities. 

In addition to providing the tools for Christians to build Biblical knowledge, Deeply Defined explores Biblical culture in a modern way and makes the scriptures come alive.

 If you would like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Janey Pitts, please contact Authorsupport@morganjamespublishing.com 

About the Author: Janey Pitts earned a journalism degree from Samford University, and master’s degree in Religious Education from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. She has ministered in churches for over fifteen years. Her heart is for women and connecting people with both local and foreign missions. Janey and her husband love serving on staff together at New Work Fellowship in Hopkinsville, Kentucky, and she enjoys speaking at various events and retreats. To book Janey for an event, check out her website at JaneyPitts.com.

More About This Title: Deeply Defined: Understanding Who You Are in Christ, by Janey Pitts, will be released by Morgan James Publishing on February 15, 2022. Deeply Defined —9781631956119 —has 234 pages and is being sold as a trade paperback for $16.99.

About Morgan James Publishing: Morgan James publishes trade quality titles designed to educate, encourage, inspire, or entertain readers with current, consistent, relevant topics that are available everywhere books are sold. 

( www.MorganJamesPublishing.com )

A Modern Definition of Biblical Language and Culture2022-02-15T01:17:21-05:00

Rest Peacefully in Faith of the Master Designer, Jesus Christ

NEW YORK—Feb. 8, 2022—Morgan James’ new release, Unpuzzling Your Life: How Much Me? How Much Him?, by Sandra P. Hastings, shows Christians how the designer, Jesus Christ, puts the puzzle pieces of their life together for God’s glory.

A fresh look at what identity in Christ means, Unpuzzling Your Life teaches that the hard, humbling experiences of life are not to push people farther down, but bring them back up to the place of blessing. Unpuzzling Your Life gives the keys to freedom from fear and guilt, and helps Christians understand that each person is unique on purpose with a purpose.

Unpuzzling Your Life inspires Christians to deepen their relationship with Christ and to serve Him with confidence and gratitude, and shows how to discover self-worth as a gift. By teaching to recognize how much of life is in the hands of Jesus Christ, Unpuzzling Your Life provides rest in a new level of peace.

If you would like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Sandra P. Hastings, please contact authorsupport@morganjamespublishing.com.

About the Author: Sandra P. Hastings is an author, international speaker, and Bible teacher who has ministered as a missionary wife in Germany for almost five decades. She has a nursing degree, graduated from Bible College, attended counseling courses, and earned her master’s degree in Theology. Sandra has self-published two books: Victory in the Storm, translated into five languages, and Seeing God’s Hand, a 52-week Bible study. Sandra’s devotions have been featured in Upper Room, on Christian Broadcasting Network, and in the December 2020 issue of Refresh, an online magazine. She has international experience as she has been the speaker/Bible teacher in eleven countries, sends teaching lessons to a national training station in India and writes and teaches Bible lessons and discipleship material in German and English.

More About This Title: Unpuzzling Your Life: How Much Me? How Much Him?, by Sandra P. Hastings, will be released by Morgan James Publishing on February 8, 2022. Unpuzzling Life —9781631956171 —has 214 pages and is being sold as a trade paperback for $16.99.

About Morgan James Publishing: Morgan James publishes trade quality titles designed to educate, encourage, inspire, or entertain readers with current, consistent, relevant topics that are available everywhere books are sold. 

( www.MorganJamesPublishing.com )

Rest Peacefully in Faith of the Master Designer, Jesus Christ2022-02-04T13:34:17-05:00

Connecting With God Through Stones of Remembrance

NEW YORK—Feb. 8, 2022—Morgan James’ new release, Gathering Stones: Remembering All That God Has Done For You, by Sara W. Berry, encourages people to collect their own “stones of remembrance” as they remember all that God has done for them.

Gathering Stones discusses the times in the Bible when Christians gathered stones as reminders of God’s power and grace, and inspires believers to see the miracles of God in daily life. A 40-day devotional that reminds Christians who God is and what He has promised, instructed, and done, Gathering Stones is perfect for anyone in need of spiritual inspiration. 

Gathering Stones presents inspiring personal stories of some of Sara W. Berry’s stones of remembrance and her own journey to seeing God more clearly. Easily applicable as both a Lenten devotional or a small group Bible study, Gathering Stones includes short but powerful daily entries and provides understandable personal application.

If you would like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Sara W. Berry, please contact authorsupport@morganjamespublishing.com

About the Author: Sara W. Berry is a wife, mother, and award-winning author. She has written 15 books and curricula, including bestselling non-fiction Tap Code. Sara is married to Dr. Mont Berry and is mother of seven children and three children-in-law. She resides in Tupelo, Mississippi.

More About This Title: Gathering Stones: Remembering All That God Has Done For You, by Sara W. Berry, will be released by Morgan James Publishing on February 8, 2022. Gathering Stones —9781631956157 —has 186 pages and is being sold as a trade paperback for $15.99.

About Morgan James Publishing: Morgan James publishes trade quality titles designed to educate, encourage, inspire, or entertain readers with current, consistent, relevant topics that are available everywhere books are sold. 


Connecting With God Through Stones of Remembrance2022-02-04T13:23:37-05:00

An Inspiring and Detailed Guide to Living a Life of Victory

NEW YORK—Feb. 8, 2022—Morgan James’ new release, The Spirit to Soar: Inspiring Life Lessons and Values for a Victorious Life, by Jim Petersen, PhD, is an inspiring story about the life of Lt. Col. Barry Bridger of perseverance, faith, and courage, causing people to reflect on their own values and how they inform everyday life.

 During the current climate of social unrest, political partisanship, and a devastating worldwide pandemic, The Spirit to Soar helps readers examine crises from the past and extract valuable lessons from them. In sharing the lessons Petersen learned from Lt. Col. Barry B. Bridger of the US Air Force, The Spirit to Soar explains how to overcome the greatest of challenges in life.

 The Spirit to Soar encourages people to build courage by facing their fears, controlling their minds, and finding what makes them thankful, stressing the importance of maintaining a sense of humor, even during the darkest of times. A guide that serves as a “wake-up-call,” The Spirit to Soar touches on the topics of virtue, legacy, happiness, communal economics, the importance of reading, and so much more that leads to a life of victory.

 If you would like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Jim Petersen, PhD, and/or LCOL Barry Bridger, USAF (ret), please contact Dennis Welch at Dennis@BeArticulate.com.

About the Author: Jim Petersen, PhD, retired from the financial services industry at the end of 2018, having served in multiple positions in both the field and the home office. He completed almost a twenty-two-year career in the United States Navy and United States Naval Reserve as a submarine officer, retiring with the rank of Captain (0-6). Petersen graduated from the United States Naval Academy with a bachelor of science degree, and he earned master of science degrees both in management and financial services from The American College of Financial Services. On June 1, 2017, he became the first financial services manager to be awarded a PhD in financial and retirement planning from The American College. He is a past president and emeritus of the Alumni Board of The American College and Chairman of The American College Penn Mutual Center for Veterans Affairs. He serves as the Roger Hull/James S. Bingay Chair of Leadership for The American College, specializing in leadership, comprehensive financial planning, ethics, and organizational behavior.

 Petersen is the Chief Executive Officer and Founding Principal of Diversified Professional Coaching, LLC. As a former financial services executive, he is committed to leading a company that coaches business executives, advisors, and clients to pursue their financial goals and lifetime dreams by bringing sound business acumen, financial knowledge, and trustworthy advice to a lasting relationship with each person he serves. In addition, Petersen is the president and owner of the Professional Business Coaches Alliance, LLC, which is committed to training and supporting the future of business coaches. Jim is the author of two other books: From Combat to Client Service and From Combat to Corporate Life, both of which focus on recruiting military veterans for business. He and his wife, Louise, split their time between their homes in Fort Worth, Texas, and Orlando, Florida.

More About This Title: The Spirit to Soar: Inspiring Life Lessons and Values for a Victorious Life, by Jim Petersen PhD, will be released by Morgan James Publishing on February 8, 2022. The Sprint to Soar —9781631956515 —has 246 pages and is being sold as a hardcover for $29.95.

About Morgan James Publishing: Morgan James publishes trade quality titles designed to educate, encourage, inspire, or entertain readers with current, consistent, relevant topics that are available everywhere books are sold. 

( www.MorganJamesPublishing.com )

An Inspiring and Detailed Guide to Living a Life of Victory2022-02-04T13:52:54-05:00

A Business Strategy Applicable to Everyday Success for Anyone

NEW YORK—Feb. 8, 2022—Morgan James’ new release, The Human Sales Factor: The H2H Equation for Connecting, Persuading, and Closing the Deal, by Lance Tyson, is a peek under the hood of Lance Tyson’s proven, predictable, scalable process designed for sales  teams, yet still approachable and applicable for individuals who want to increase the chances of getting anything they want or need.

An applicable business and success guide for any individual, The Human Sales Factor teaches the people skills needed to connect human-to-human. Additionally, by teaching how to create opportunity and connections, The Human Sales Factor shows how businesspeople and investors can get in the door to see their high-value targets and prospects.

A blueprint that presents the attitude needed to succeed in selling an idea, concept, product, or service, The Human Sales Factor shows sales leaders and their teams how to lay out their strategy and tactics while making it feel organic. The Human Sales Factor is an overall guide to success that helps individuals achieve anything they desire.

If you would like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Lance Tyson, please contact authorsupport@morganjamespublishing.com.

About the Author: Over the past two decades, Lance Tyson has followed his passion for developing strong business leaders and their salespeople by tapping into his natural ability to connect with people and foster an environment for learning and coaching. As owner, President, and CEO of Tyson Group, Lance facilitates, trains, and conducts over one hundred workshops annually in areas such as performance management, leadership, sales, sales management, customer service, and team building. In 2002, Lance took over several Dale Carnegie Training operations in the Midwest. He started with Cleveland, then rolled up to Columbus, and eventually took over the Cincinnati and Indianapolis marketplaces. Under Lance’s leadership, these marketplaces experienced 230% growth to become the largest Dale Carnegie Training operation. In 2010, Lance sold his interest in Dale Carnegie and formed PRSPX in Dublin, Ohio, to help clients build an effective sales ecosystem. PRSPX has been restructured as Tyson Group in order to provide services to assess sales teams, diagnose their needs, and equip them to be better salespeople and leaders. Lance now focuses on the mission of Tyson Group: to coach, train, and consult with sales leaders and their teams to compete in a complex world. Lance currently lives in Dublin, Ohio, with his wife and three kids.

More About This Title: The Human Sales Factor: The H2H Equation for Connecting, Persuading, and Closing the Deal, by Lance Tyson, will be released by Morgan James Publishing on February 8, 2022. The Human Sales Factor —9781631957055 —has 150 pages and is being sold as a trade paperback for $17.95.

About Morgan James Publishing: Morgan James publishes trade quality titles designed to educate, encourage, inspire, or entertain readers with current, consistent, relevant topics that are available everywhere books are sold. 

( www.MorganJamesPublishing.com )

A Business Strategy Applicable to Everyday Success for Anyone2022-02-04T13:40:39-05:00

Poetry Collection Explores Challenges and Beauty in Life in the 21st Century

NEW YORK—Feb. 1, 2022—Morgan James’ new release, A Collection of Collections: Black American Poetry, by John F. Dilworth II, is a volume of poetry that explores John F. Dilworth II’s experiences of maneuvering through life as a young Black man in America. 

A compilation of poems that motivates people to be passionate about their purpose in life and  become more open in sharing their perspectives in these times of hyper-polarization, A Collection of Collections appeals to the fans of Amanda Gorman, Maya Angelou, and Langston Hughes, and features words that, although can be triggering, lead to healing.

A Collection of Collections addresses many of the key issues faced by Americans and captures the beauty and purpose of people hurting and striving thus far in this tumultuous 21st century.

If you would like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with John F. Dilworth II, please contact authorsupport@morganjamespublishing.com

About the Author: John F. Dilworth II is the author of the first two volumes of an ongoing book series, Motivation for the Masses: A Poetic Autobiography and A Collection of Collections. On many occasions, he has served as a Keynote or Motivational Speaker and Poet. After attending Clayton State University, John took an opportunity to work for the Department of Defense as a civilian and live in Iraq and Qatar supporting troops during Operation Iraqi Freedom. As a result, he developed a passion for world travel to accompany his longtime passion for writing and reciting poetry. During that time, he also started a career in Information Technology and has since served as an Engineer and Subject Matter Expert in the discipline of Microsoft Infrastructure Systems for many organizations ranging from small to enterprise. In 2013, John formed The Dilworth Group and began providing IT training and consulting services, first to high school and college students in Clayton County, GA and then on to a wide variety of B2B customers. He currently resides in Atlanta, Georgia as he continues his endeavors as an entrepreneur, investor, and motivator of people. John believes his God-given purpose in life is to motivate people to learn from their mistakes, appreciate their blessings, think optimistically, and use what they’ve been blessed with to be a blessing to others. His primary method for carrying out that purpose is through living as an example.

More About This Title: A Collection of Collections: Black American Poetry, by John F. Dilworth II, will be released by Morgan James Publishing on February 1, 2022.  A Collection of Collection —9781631956614 —has 154 pages and is being sold as a trade paperback for $16.95.

About Morgan James Publishing: Morgan James publishes trade quality titles designed to educate, encourage, inspire, or entertain readers with current, consistent, relevant topics that are available everywhere books are sold.  (www.MorganJamesPublishing.com)

Poetry Collection Explores Challenges and Beauty in Life in the 21st Century2022-01-29T09:39:00-05:00
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