New York— September 1, 2020—Morgan James’ new release Career Clarity for Nurses: Navigating Nursing Through Challenging Times by Karen Beck Wade, PhD, RN-BC, prompts nurses to assess what exactly they want from their jobs and their future career paths. Career Clarity for Nurses was primarily written for nurses seeking a career path of passion and fulfillment. 

In a 2019 survey performed by AMN Healthcare, 66% of the nurses surveyed reported that they worried their job was affecting their health. This percentage has risen from previously collected data; the same survey was conducted in 2017, with only 55% of nurses showing concern about their job’s impact on their health. Through Career Clarity for Nurses, Wade shares her own struggles with how being a nurse has impacted her health. She explains how nurses can build a new framework to positively flourish in life and work, lessening the amount that their job is influencing their well-being. 

Karen Wade, PhD, RN-BC, developed seven steps designed for nurses to help guide them towards making the decision to stay at their current job, find another nursing job, or leave nursing altogether. Career Clarity for Nurses dives into Wade’s personal journey of finding assurance within her career and how other nurses can find that same certainty. Wade shares resources for nurses searching for clarity in their job such as using the Positivity Ratio, gratitude journaling, meditation, and ultimately creating a career vision and mission statement. In Career Clarity for Nurses Wade is able to positively aid other nurses to determine what their future career path should look like to give them the most passion and fulfillment.  

If you would like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Karen Wade, PhD, RN-BC, please call Nickcole Watkins at 516.900.5674.

About the Author: Karen Wade is an organizational psychologist and a registered nurse, certified in psychiatric mental health nursing. She speaks and consults in the areas of leadership development, positive organizational culture, and coaches’ nurses deciding if nursing is still the career for them. Karen currently resides in Ventura, CA.

More About This Title: Career Clarity for Nurses: Navigating Nursing Through Challenging Times by Karen Beck Wade, PhD, RN-BC, will be released by Morgan James Publishing on September 1, 2020. Career Clarity for Nurses—ISBN 9781631951817 —has 158 pages and is being sold as trade paperback for $14.95.

About Morgan James Publishing: Morgan James publishes trade quality titles designed to educate, encourage, inspire, or entertain readers with current, consistent, relevant topics that are available everywhere books are sold. ( )