NEW YORK—May 22, 2018—Morgan James’s new release, The King of Halloween and Miss Firecracker Queen: A Daughter’s Tale of Family and Football by Lori Leachman, shares a unique perspective on the life of a professional football coach. Leachman is the daughter of a Super Bowl champion coach. She tells the story of her coming of age, her father’s rise to success, and the love story of the family that supported him.

Lori Leachman’s life was defined in terms of football. Time was punctuated by the on and off seasons of football and competitiveness was second nature. After all, her father always said “Life is a competition. If you aren’t in it to win it, why bother?”. He was a football coach for more than thirty-five years, and his career set the tone for the male-centric, excellence-driven environment that Leachman grew up in. She shares what it was like growing up in a man’s world in The King of Halloween and Miss Firecracker Queen.

In her touching, personal memoir, Leachman offers a behind-the-scenes look at what life is like for the families of professional athletes and coaches. She chronicles growing up in a culture of constant competition; the complexities of a father daughter relationship; the struggles of racism and segregation that existed in the south; and even examines the effects one’s failing mental health can have on a family. Additionally, she shows the struggles and heartache that come along with losing the family leader, as her father ultimately lost his life to chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE).

Beyond the sports, the struggles, and the South, the overarching theme of The King of Halloween and Miss Firecracker Queen is the love and devotion of the Leachman family. It shows how their love for each other and the love of the game held them together in tough times and propelled their patriarch to success. With heartfelt truth and lighthearted humor, Leachman’s The King of Halloween and Miss Firecracker Queen captures readers’ emotions and reminds them of the inspiring truth that love always triumphs.

 If you would like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Lori Leachman, please call Nickcole Watkins at 516.900.5674.

About the Author: Lori Leachman is a professor of economics at Duke University. She earned her Ph.D. in economics in 1987, from the University of South Carolina. She has published over twenty articles in a variety of academic journals and has presented her work at a variety of professional conferences such as the American Economic Association Meetings, the Southern Economic Association Meetings, the Conference on Global Finance, and the Napa Valley Seminar. She has been interviewed on NPR and The State of Things. She has been in Who’s Who of America’s Teachers and has won countless awards for her work. She is the daughter of a football coach and a Southerner by birth. Lori lives in Durham, North Carolina for half of the year. The other half of the year she lives in Sedona, Arizona where she writes, paints, and is close to her two grown sons who live on the West Coast.

More About This Title: The King of Halloween and Miss Firecracker Queen: A Daughter’s Tale of Family and Football by Lori Leachman, will be released by Morgan James Publishing on May 22, 2018. The King of Halloween and Miss Firecracker Queen—ISBN 9781614488255—has 230 pages and is being sold as a trade paperback for $17.95.

About Morgan James Publishing: Morgan James publishes trade quality titles designed to educate, encourage, inspire, or entertain readers with current, consistent, relevant topics that are available everywhere books are sold. ( )


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