Morgan James Publishing accepts both fiction and nonfiction manuscripts from authors who are passionate about their message.
Morgan James is committed to the highest standards of publishing. Therefore, we require a formal submission and will evaluate your material by the following criteria.

We’re looking for inspired, compelling messages (nonfiction) and/ or character stories (fiction and memoir) that create pathways to stronger faith and greater understanding among all people.
All Faith manuscripts will be evaluated on the following criteria:
- Does the book agree with Morgan James Publishing’s Statement of Faith? Read Here
- Is it written with excellence?
- Is it compelling and relevant?
- Is it gospel-centered?
- Does it make God’s glory its focus?
To this end, we do expect our authors to actively support the marketing of their books, both before they are published and in the months (and years) thereafter. Towards this end, we do want to work closely with our authors to educate them in book marketing approaches